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Help Lead the Evolution

We’re developing training programs to help activate and scale human evolution so we can all learn to thrive. You can help by learning and sharing these skills within your families, communities, and businesses. 
Experts tell us it only takes 10% of a group making a change for it to shift the rest of the group. You can help us reach the 10% threshold for evolutionary transformation.
Our introductory training tier is free and successive trainings will have low barriers to entry. All programs are currently digital delivery. 
We teach humanity to embrace the instinct to thrive. You can too.


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Our initial free micro course introduces you to the 12 Natural Skills in twelve short lessons and provide simple practices that anyone can use to activate and apply the skills in everyday life. This program is the pre-requisite for all other trainings. Upon completion, you can let the world know you’ve become an evolutionary with a special logo for social, web, and correspondence. 

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By Donation


This online course is based on our question process for understanding and applying the 12 Natural Skills in life and business. Participants will learn to influence others and the world through being and by example. You’ll become early adopters and catalysts for an evolutionary wave around the planet. Upon successful completion, you can let the world know you’ve become a 4runner with a special logo for social, web, and correspondence. 

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Fee Based Training


This online certification course will teach you how to use and share the 12 Natural Skills framework with individuals (not businesses) in small working groups for a predetermined envoy training fee. Upon successful completion, you can let the world know you’ve become a 4evlutn envoy with a listing on our website and a special logo for social, web, and correspondence.

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Fee Based Immersive Training

This online certification course will teach you how to use and present the 12 Natural Skills framework as a speaker or representative in larger groups with individuals and organizations (not businesses) for pre-determined Emissary fees. Upon completion, you’re entitled to have a highlighted listing on our website and may use the 4evlution Emissary logo for social, web, and other promotional purposes. 

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